Friday, August 26, 2011

Colors Tell a Life Saving Story


There is a colorful way to explain the Gospel. There are five or six colors to describe parts of the Gospel. They are:
Gold=Reminds us of God. He is holy and perfect. No sin or wrongdoing will ever be in His presence. The streets of Heaven are paved with Gold. When people die, they go to meet God. Either they will be in Heaven and live with God forever, or they will be in Hell to be punished for their sins.
Black= Sin. Sin is wrongdoing. We commit sin when we break the 10 Commandments. If we break just one Commandment, we are guilty of breaking them all. On a scale of 1-10, how would you score yourself on keeping the Commandments. All lawbreakers will be punished in Hell for eternity. God has no choice but to punish sin.
Red= the Blood of Jesus Christ, God's Perfect Son. Around 2000 years ago, God sent His Son to live on earth and to die for the sins of people. He lived a perfect life without sin, and God placed all our sin upon Him on the Cross. He died and was buried in a tomb. He came back to life three days later and has gone back into the Heavens. He will come back one day to judge people for their sins, and to take back to Heaven His own people.
White= a Clean Heart. You might be asking yourself, how can I get rid of my sin? If no sin is allowed in Heaven, and God must punish sin, what is the answer? Jesus blood can cleanse a sinful heart. It is powerful enough to cleanse every person from sin who wants to be cleansed. The key question is, "Do you really want to be cleansed from all your sins?" If you do, you will turn away from your sin and you can trust in what Jesus did on the Cross to pay for your sins. He promises to cleanse and will give you a new heart with right desires. You will become a new creature in Christ. You will also have the power and the desire to say 'no' when you are tempted to sin, and to say 'yes' to doing what is right. You will become a new creature in Christ.
Green=Growing Things. Just like you feed yourself with food for nourishment, you can feed your soul with spiritual nourishment. The Bible is like food for the soul. You can be healthy spiritually. If you turn from your sin, and trust in Jesus Christ, you are part of the Body of Christ, which is the church. You will need to find a good Bible believing church to be part of to help you with your spiritual walk. Good communication with God is important. That is what prayer is. God helps us to grow as we develop our relationship with Him through prayer.
Gray= the 10 Commandments. This color is one that some people have added to the story. It probably belongs next to the black color because it reminds us of the 10 Commandments, which we have broken and it shows us our sin, and need for a Savior.
If you have any questions about the Gospel or your relationship with God, please send an email with your questions to:
You can put 'The Gospel Conversation' or 'Gospel Questions' in your subject line.

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