Friday, March 18, 2011

Wordless Color Bracelets

Yesterday I was at Walmart, and there was a family, a man, a woman, and three children. Both the man and the woman took a tract. Usually, people will just share a tract. The children wanted a tract too. I happened to have some '10 Commandment coins' in my pocket. I gave one to each of the children, even the one in the stroller. After that episode, I thought to myself, I wished I had some toy like a beach ball in my purse. It's kind of hard to carry toys in a purse, and if I knew I was going to do that on a regular basis, I would opt for a bigger purse. The thought came to my mind about making a wordless color bracelet. They are small enough to carry around. Years ago, I made little bracelets to sell. I could find my materials and make some wordless color ones, and have a small paper attached to them, explaining the meaning of the colors (Gold=God, Black=Sin, Red= Blood of Christ, White=Clean Heart, Green=Growing Things). I am always looking for ideas to use with the wordless colors. This might be a good one.

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